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The IN2CCAM project kicked off in November 2022 with a mission to develop innovative CCAM technologies and services and integrate them into traffic management. The efforts and collaboration between the 21 consortium members during the past year have set the ground for safer, more inclusive, and environmental mobility of people and goods. The deployment and evaluation of these technologies and services, set to start in mid-2024, will provide further details and progress towards a seamless CCAM ecosystem. 

IN2CCAM is an EU-funded project under the framework of the CCAM Partnership, which seeks to foster collaboration between relevant stakeholders to enhance Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobility (CCAM) and showcase its societal benefits for widespread user embracement. The project is part of Cluster 4 for the integration of CCAM in the transport system. The role of this cluster is to enhance the connectivity between the Physical and Digital Infrastructure (PDI) and boost cooperation between the different actors for better fleet and traffic management.

As its full title indicates, IN2CCAM focuses on ‘Enhancing Integration and Interoperability of CCAM eco-system’ under a holistic and comprehensive approach. IN2CCAM includes an additional layer to the PDI: the operational infrastructure, which defines a set of rules, governance models and management strategies to ensure the seamless functioning of this ecosystem. Advanced simulations, digital twin models, and real-life operations will facilitate testing innovative services and technologies to optimise and smoothen traffic management. The project also fosters the exploration of novel cooperation, governance, and business models essential for effective CCAM integration, contributing to a safer and more efficient transportation system.

Laying the groundwork for a seamless CCAM ecosystem

Since its kick-off in November 2022, the project consortium has been readying a solid ground to achieve this mission. As a first step, IN2CCAM partners have identified the mobility needs and requirements of different user groups, considering vulnerable communities to ensure inclusivity. The analysis of the existing infrastructures, traffic rules and governance models has helped formulate the different use cases which will be tested in the Lead Living Labs in Tampere, Trikala, Turin, and Vigo. Additionally, the Follower Living Labs of Bari and Quadrilatero are setting a realistic simulation environment to explore and assess the application of CCAM services.

To foster stakeholder engagement, IN2CCAM has defined a strategy to facilitate interaction with different stakeholders. The partners are planning ideathon workshops in five Living Lab cities to draw out barriers and concerns toward upscaling and replicability. The insights from these workshops will enable the co-creation of governance models that will pave the way for the widespread adoption of CCAM solutions across the EU.

“On the advent of deployment of automated actors in real-life traffic, it becomes critical they are correctly and safely integrated into the whole traffic system. Projects like IN2CCAM lay the foundation to achieve the foreseen benefits of CCAM in a safe and controlled manner”, states Coen Bresser, Innovation & Deployment Senior Manager at ERTICO, and WP6 leader.

IN2CCAM’s roadmap: deployment in the pipeline

A significant milestone for the upcoming year will be the kick-off of operations for the various use cases. The Lead Living Labs will assess the rollout of diverse technologies and services under real-traffic conditions. Tampere, Finland, is introducing automated vehicles into its traffic network to complement conventional public transport services in the Hervanta district. This Living Labs aims to improve last-mile mobility, enhance traffic flow, and reduce reliance on private cars, contributing to the cities’ goal to reach climate neutrality by 2030. The Trikala Living Lab in Greece uses CCAM technologies to improve the efficiency and safety of urban transportation, with on-demand CAVs, traffic light synchronisation, Vulnerable Road Users (VRU) warning messages, and a user-friendly mobile app to ensure safety and a more inclusive transport system. The Turin Living Lab is working on dynamic traffic management by enhancing the functionalities of the Control Centre, integrating Connected and Automated Vehicles, real-time parking information, and Urban Vehicle Access Restrictions (UVAR) warnings. This will improve congestion control, enhance safety, and reduce emissions. The Vigo Living Lab in Spain will improve traffic management by sharing data among vehicles, infrastructure and pedestrians or cyclists, and use vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) interaction to regulate traffic lights, improving the performance of connected and automated vehicles.

Additionally, two Follower Living Labs will test and digitally verify CCAM services through simulations and emulation solutions. The Bari Living Lab will develop and simulate a route planner that caters to diverse social groups, favouring inclusiveness. It will also simulate and implement a digital twin for innovative last-mile deliveries, freeing urban centres from traffic circulation. Quadrilatero aims to increase the quality and liveability of urban and metropolitan areas by reducing congestion, and air and noise pollution. The Living Lab will use existing data sources and data aggregation for analysis and simulation to assess the best itineraries and simulate the impact of CCAM vehicles on traffic and community. The Living Lab will also develop an open information service (MAP Open Data) for public authorities and provide information services on the availability of charging stations for electric vehicles, shared mobility systems, and on-demand mobility services.

IN2CCAM gears up for the ITS World congress

IN2CCAM gears up for the ITS World congress

The IN2CCAM project is excited to showcase its advancements at the prestigious ITS World Congress, a key event for the intelligent transport systems (ITS) sector, organised by our partner ERTICO. This year’s congress, marking its 30th anniversary, will be hosted in...

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