
Define concepts for optimal fleet and traffic management in the CCAM eco-system for seamless mobility of people and goods.

Design, test and implement a structure according to the results obtained at both physical and digital levels, favouring interoperability.

Design, test and implement advanced simulations and digital twin models for new traffic management strategies.

Develop suitable strategies for traffic optimisation based on real-time traffic situations and the prediction of immediate future traffic conditions, carrying out green light adjustments to speed up traffic.

Explore and promote new lines of cooperation, governance and business models favourable to the effective integration of CCAM services and technologies in traffic management.
In a nutshell


Thanks to innovations in automation, IN2CCAM services and technologies will contribute to reducing the number of road accidents caused by human error.

Improved traffic management boosted by Cooperative, Connected, and Automated Mobility translates into positive environmental effects, reducing congestion and its emissions and avoiding unnecessary trips.

IN2CCAM seeks to reshape mobility, ensuring that it is inclusive and accessible for everyone.

Liaison and Cooperation

CONDUCTOR’s main goal is to design, integrate and demonstrate advanced, high‐level traffic and fleet management that will allow efficient and globally optimal transport of passengers and goods, while ensuring seamless multimodality and interoperability, through dynamic balancing and priority‐based management of automated and conventional vehicles.