Our Living Labs
Tampere (Finland)

5 automated vehicles (AVs)
of SAE level 4*

The commissioning and calibration of the Connected, Cooperative Automated Vehicles (CCAV) fleet will take 6 to 7 months. The demonstration will take up to 12 months
* The Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) defines six level of driving automation from 0 (no automation) to 5 (full automation)
Explore the Tram warning app for automated shuttle in Tampere Living Lab
Use Case:
Integration of traffic and CCAM fleet (last-mile mobility of people)
Tampere Living Lab will work with five SAE level 4 automated vehicles, fully equipped with environment perception sensors that can exchange ITS messages for manoeuvring or deviating.
The LL will implement a New Mobility Hub for public transport, connected fleet of CCAVs, micro-mobility devices, bicyclists and pedestrians.
- Enable CCAM services under the knowledge of parameters such as real-time traffic situations, users’ needs and behaviour, traffic management priorities, CCAV characteristics, and emerging mobility concepts.
- Promote interoperability and intermodality between automated vehicles and public transport.
- Integrate CCAM service with the entire traffic management system.
- Explore attainable business models for Tampere LL to implement and maintain the CCAM services.

See other Living Labs

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Turin (Italy)
Vigo (Spain)

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