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The Tampere Living Lab readies for its Awareness Event

The IN2CCAM Living Labs are gearing up to host their Awareness Events, aimed at showcasing the cutting-edge CCAM technologies and services developed and tested in each of them. These events are a crucial step forward for the project. They allow us to shed light on our mission and gather valuable feedback through open discussions. This valuable input helps us identify stakeholder needs and integrate them into different use cases, ensuring the technologies we develop are truly relevant and impactful. Leading the way, our partners VTT and Business Tampere are the first to organize such an event in Tampere, Finland, on 12 June

Integrating traffic and CCAM fleet for the last-mile mobility of people

The Living Lab in Tampere is establishing a New Mobility Hub in Hervanta, integrating public transport, connected CCAVs, micro-mobility devices, bicyclists, and pedestrians. VTT is demonstrating traffic light information for automated vehicles, tram warnings, and situation awareness on the road. Digital twins replicating real-time traffic and vehicle data to enhance urban mobility. GLOSA system tests within the LL seek to help guide drivers to maintain optimal speeds for smooth traffic flow. Collaboration between VTT and Business Tampere, leveraging advanced data gathering, is key to this project.

The close cooperation between VTT and Business Tampere, supported by the City of Tampere, exemplifies one of our project’s core principles: fostering collaboration between stakeholders from diverse sectors. This combined effort and Tampere’s advanced data-gathering infrastructure, offer the perfect environment for deploying a project like this.

Automated Vehicles: a piece of the mobility ecosystem

The Awareness Event highlights the growing importance of automated vehicles as part of a larger traffic management ecosystem. Seamless traffic flow requires communication between vehicles, infrastructure, and all road users. CCAM technologies play a vital role in achieving this goal.

Sensors and innovative technologies within CCAM systems allow the sharing of information about road conditions, such as icy patches, improving overall awareness for road users. Artificial intelligence is being harnessed for predictive analysis, further enhancing safety and efficiency.

While automated vehicles are rapidly reaching advanced levels of autonomy, they still require real-world testing before wider integration. These initial stages typically occur in closed environments like factories, harbours, or airports.

Imagine the Metaverse: IMAGINE 2024

The Awareness Event, scheduled for 12 June to coincide with the Imagine the Metaverse event. The event, focused on showcasing novel technologies and discussing their commercial applications, will feature mobility as a sector poised to benefit from these technologies. VTT will be demonstrating the remote operation of automated fleets.