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Leading the way towards CCAM integration at the EUCAD

The IN2CCAM project made its presence felt at the 4th European Conference on Connected and Automated Driving (EUCAD2023), co-organised by the European Commission. On 3 and 4 May, the CCAM Partnership and the FAME project, IN2CCAM’s sister project. Top-level representatives from the transport industry gathered in Brussels to discuss the next steps to develop smart, inclusive and sustainable innovative solutions for seamless CCAM integration, analysing different use cases and success stories. 

 As one of the most significant projects from the last Horizon Europe call on the topic, IN2CCAM actively participated in the conference. The project coordinator, Professor Maria Pia Fanti (POLIBA), participated in the breakout session ‘Progressing towards CCAM-hosting and enabling infrastructures’, introducing the latest’s advancements and the work of the six Living Labs. Other novel CCAM projects, such as PoDIUM Project and AUGMENTED CCAM, also participated in the session, creating opportunities for cooperation and synergies. Mrs Fanti also attended the networking event and exhibition at the AUTOWORLD Museum.

The Tampere Living Lab readies for its Awareness Event

The Tampere Living Lab readies for its Awareness Event

The IN2CCAM Living Labs are gearing up to host their Awareness Events, aimed at showcasing the cutting-edge CCAM technologies and services developed and tested in each of them. These events are a crucial step forward for the project. They allow us to shed light on our...

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