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Empowering CCAM Innovation: Join the IN2CCAM Stakeholder Forum

The European Union actively promotes stakeholder engagement in the implementation of innovative initiatives funded through the Horizon Europe framework. Involving other actors enhances the understanding of challenges and facilitates the creation of more transparent recommendations and more impactful policymaking. The IN2CCAM project aims to deliver cutting-edge CCAM services that positively impact end-users and other related actors. The consortium identifies the mobility needs, concerns and requirements of different users and stimulates collaboration with public and private stakeholders, including traffic operators, cities, legislators and service providers.

The aim is to create a robust governance framework, business models, and evidence-based policy recommendations that drive the widespread adoption of IN2CCAM innovation. By collaborating with external stakeholders, the project strives to cultivate an environment that encourages the broad acceptance and seamless integration of cutting-edge CCAM solutions.

To foster this understanding, the project has launched the IN2CCAM Stakeholder Forum, led by TTS Italia. This platform provides an open space for individuals to actively participate in discussions, share their insights, offer feedback, and collaborate with us.

“The goal of the project is to provide benefits to all citizens by implementing a full integration of CCAM services in the transport system, with positive impacts related to safety, environment, and inclusiveness. To achieve these results, TTS Italia believes that stakeholder engagement is crucial to success; engaging within the IN2CCAM’s EU-wide stakeholder community across different sectors and industries will pave the way to effective project execution, and result in a full understanding of diverse needs and goals, potential joint initiatives and an uptake boost for CCAM across Europe”, Guido Lorenzo Valetta, Project Manager at TTS Italia.

Industry and public administration representatives, scientific researchers, policymakers, standardisation and homologation bodies or any other related actor is welcome to engage with our project. The forum encompasses a wide range of topics for the advancement of connected, cooperative, and automated mobility, including harmonisation and interoperability, strategies for balancing the load on mobility networks through route and delivery optimization, the demonstration and validation of IN2CCAM solutions, and the governance of integrated CCAM systems with a focus on fleet and traffic management.

Join the stakeholder forum and become an active participant in shaping the future of connected, cooperative, and automated mobility.
Engage with us by signing our Letter of Support.

For further details, contact

By registering to the Forum you agree to the terms of collaboration described in the LoS.