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IN2CCAM gets ready to showcase Cooperative, Connected and Automated Mobility across Europe

IN2CCAM aims to create a seamless and interoperable CCAM ecosystem across Europe, ultimately leading to safer, more sustainable, and more inclusive roads. The project is making significant strides in advancing Connected, Cooperative, and Automated Mobility (CCAM) technologies and services to enhance traffic management. To showcase the real-world CCAM benefits, the Living Labs are gearing up for a series of public demonstrations. 

The IN2CCAM project aims to share its findings through awareness events to reach a broad audience. Real-life tests will be carried out within the Lead Living Labs in Tampere, Trikala, Turin, and Vigo. Additionally, simulations and emulations will be showcased at the follower Living Labs in Bari and Quadrilatero.

These events seek to ensure that project results are effectively disseminated to a wide audience, fostering stakeholder engagement. Citizens are a pivotal target for the Living Labs. By involving them and collecting their experiences and thoughts, partners can gain valuable insights into their needs and wants, shaping the project’s results and developing user-friendly tools for citizens, ultimately leading to safer, cleaner roads and easier access for all. 

The awareness demonstrations also serve as a crucial platform to raise awareness about the IN2CCAM project, its overarching goals and its achievement. By showcasing tangible outcomes and advancements, these demonstrations seek to inspire individuals and communities to support and contribute to the project’s objectives to create a transparent ecosystem, making CAM accessible and beneficial for everyone.

Marie-Laure Watrinet, Senior Engineer & PMP Project Manager at the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST), plays a pivotal role in coordinating the smooth execution of these events. “The participants will be introduced to the project and the demonstrations, as well as the possibility to experiment with the demonstrations by, for instance, getting into the autonomous shuttles to see how they behave in the different scenarios”, she explains. 

The first awareness event of the project will take place in Tampere (Finland) on 12 June, just after the Imagine Metaverse 2024, the yearly Smart City and Metaverse Congress in Tampere. It will focus on presenting state-of-the-art automated shuttle buses running in scheduled bus lines. This project event will take place just after the Imagine 2024 exhibition (the yearly Smart City and Metaverse Congress in Tampere).

The Trikala awareness event will follow at the end of June showcasing the Traffic Management Centre (TMC), use cases and autonomous shuttles. 

Stay tuned to our communication channels for upcoming announcements about the events. 

The Tampere Living Lab readies for its Awareness Event

The Tampere Living Lab readies for its Awareness Event

The IN2CCAM Living Labs are gearing up to host their Awareness Events, aimed at showcasing the cutting-edge CCAM technologies and services developed and tested in each of them. These events are a crucial step forward for the project. They allow us to shed light on our...

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