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The Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST), which leads the 6G-TWIN project, will host a workshop at the upcoming Sustainable Places Conference. This conference is a key event focused on achieving sustainability targets and addressing climate change. As the conference tagline suggests, creating sustainable places requires considering buildings and infrastructure at all scales, from individual structures to entire districts and urban areas, including transportation and energy systems. Renowned for showcasing cutting-edge research funded by the EU Horizon programs, Sustainable Places directly reflects its mission in its title: designing, building, and retrofitting our living and working environments for a more sustainable future. The 6G-TWIN workshop, titled “Integrating Environmental Considerations in Next-Generation Mobile Networks”, will be held on September 23-25 in Luxembourg. Several projects including BeGreen, Coalesce, IN2CCAM, and CENTRIC will contribute to the workshop, showcasing their commitment to sustainable 6G mobile networks.