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Amplifying impact: IN2CCAM’s efforts in knowledge sharing and community engagement 

As IN2CCAM approaches the completion of its second year, the project has reached an exciting phase of growth, marked by significant advancements and active collaboration among the consortium partners. A key focus during this period has been dissemination—an essential part of the IN2CCAM strategy. Sharing our experiences and exchanging best practices with the broader community has helped us not only raise awareness but also foster innovation within the wider ecosystem. In the last few months, our project partners have represented IN2CCAM at several events, showcasing our progress and engaging with international stakeholders. 

A recent highlight was our participation in the ITS World Congress 2024 in Dubai, which allowed us to connect with peers from the EMEA region and beyond, showcasing the relevance of our work. This event is just one of many dissemination efforts contributing to IN2CCAM’s leadership in the field. Read about some of our other recent activities to learn more. 

IEEE Summer School at the IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering 

The IEEE Summer School at the IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, held on August 28, 2024, provided an invaluable opportunity to explore the latest advancements in autonomous systems and their applications in areas such as traffic management, public safety, waste management, and energy efficiency. 

IN2CCAM showcased its innovative approaches and results to a global audience of students and researchers. Maria Pia Fanti from POLIBA presented and discussed the significant outcomes of IN2CCAM, fostering engagement and collaboration among participants. This event also offered rich networking opportunities and hands-on learning experiences.  


Activities like the CCAM Cluster Event, held on September 24, 2024, contribute to fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange and addressing the key challenges in the CCAM ecosystem. Organized by the ROADVIEW project in partnership with the CCAM Association, the event brought together stakeholders from across the EU’s CCAM research and development community.

IN2CCAM actively participated, alongside other Horizon Europe projects such as AI-SEE, AWARD-H2020, EVENTS project, and PoDIUM. Coen Bresser from ERTICO represented our project. This event provided an excellent opportunity for IN2CCAM to share its advancements, contributing to the broader discussion on the future of mobility solutions in Europe.

The event facilitated valuable interdisciplinary exchanges, encouraging new potential collaborations, and strengthening the overall impact of the CCAM community’s efforts toward safer, more efficient, and sustainable transport systems.

Conference Sustainable Places 2024

On 25 September 2024, at the Sustainable Places 2024 conference in Luxembourg, IN2CCAM showcased its findings during the workshop titled “Towards Sustainable 6G: Integrating Environmental Considerations in Next-Generation Mobile Networks.”

Our presentation highlighted key results from the IN2CCAM project, emphasizing its contributions to sustainability. The IN2CCAM team included participants from POLIBA and LINKS, who collaboratively explored innovative approaches for integrating environmental considerations into future mobile networks.


At the BRAINS 2024 Conference, held in Berlin from October 9-11, IN2CCAM partner LIST showcased an exciting demo that bridged the worlds of mobility and blockchain technology. Oussema Gharsallaou introduced a cutting-edge co-simulation system that combines SUMO (Simulation of Urban Mobility) with Ethereum’s blockchain. The goal? To study blockchain scalability in handling the increasing demands of last-mile mobility solutions—specifically using autonomous robots. Presented across three coffee break sessions, this demo explored how blockchain can meet the rising complexity of urban transportation systems. By simulating real-world scenarios, the team demonstrated how Ethereum’s blockchain could be scaled to manage secure, efficient interactions in a growing network of autonomous delivery systems.

These sessions sparked great interest among attendees, leading to fruitful discussions on the future of blockchain in smart mobility. The insights gained from BRAINS 2024 will influence IN2CCAM’s ongoing research into innovative, connected mobility solutions.

Conference IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics

Maria Pia Fanti from POLIBA performed the plenary talk at the opening of the IEEE SMC 2024 conference in Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, on October 7, 2024. The talk explained the approach of IN2CCAM, the developed services based on Artificial Intelligence technology, and the first tests implemented in the Living Labs. The presentation was a big success and gave the possibility of starting collaborations with USA and Japanese researchers.

CCAM Multi-Cluster Meeting: Cluster 4 insights

The CCAM Multi-Cluster Event held on October 10, 2024, in Bruxelles, and organized by the CCAM Association, aimed to gather ideas and proposals to implement the upcoming CCAM Large-scale demonstrations. CCAM implementation is happening at a very fast pace; developments 10 years from now will be very different from what we see today. Therefore, it is necessary to build the right ecosystems and conditions to use these technologies. Future-ready research tools are needed. Large-scale demonstrations need to be as impactful as possible because then people can say you can apply it to my city to my region.

The project contact persons from each cluster were involved in activities to gather and exchange information and opinions.

IN2CCAM participated through a presentation showcasing the results achieved so far and what could be the issues addressed, most interesting for development within Large-scale demonstrations. Following this presentation, a discussion was held and opinions were gathered on the issues and challenges to be addressed in the Large-scale demonstrations.

These activities highlight the project’s commitment to addressing the challenges of future mobility and ensuring that our research has a lasting impact on the global CCAM ecosystem. We aim to continue engaging with stakeholders in upcoming initiatives to accelerate the transition to safer, smarter, and more sustainable transport systems across Europe and beyond.